Launch Graph Manager

The Apollo CLI

The Apollo CLI provides useful commands for interacting with every component of the Apollo platform, including Apollo Client, Apollo Server, and Apollo Graph Manager.

Download and install

The Apollo CLI is available as an npm package.

If your project uses npm, we recommend installing the Apollo CLI locally by adding it to your project's devDependencies, like so:

npm install -D apollo

This helps make sure that all of your project's collaborators have the same version of the CLI installed.

Global installation

You can install the CLI globally in your development environment with the following command:

npm install -g apollo

Supported commands

Most of the Apollo CLI's commands are in the following namespaces:

  • client (such as apollo client:codegen) for interactions involving Apollo Client and Graph Manager
  • service (such as apollo service:check) for interactions involving Apollo Server and Graph Manager

For a full list of commands in a particular namespace, use the apollo help command:

Omit npx from the example commands below if you installed the Apollo CLI globally.

$ npx apollo help client
Check a client project against a pushed service

  $ apollo client:COMMAND

  client:check            Check a client project against a pushed service
  client:codegen          Generate static types for GraphQL queries. Can use the published
                          schema in Apollo Engine or a downloaded schema.
  client:download-schema  Download a schema from engine or a GraphQL endpoint.
  client:extract          Extract queries from a client
  client:push             Register operations with Apollo, adding them to the safelist

You can also obtain the full set of options for an individual command like so:

$ npx apollo help client:codegen
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