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Explore the Apollo platform

Welcome! 👋 Apollo is a platform for building a data graph, a communication layer that seamlessly connects your application clients (such as React and iOS apps) to your back-end services.

Apollo Basics

Learn about each part of the Apollo platform and how they all work together.

Apollo Server

Configure a production-ready GraphQL server to fetch and combine data from multiple sources.

Apollo Client (React)

Manage the entirety of your React app's state and seamlessly execute GraphQL operations.

Apollo Graph Manager

Integrate with Apollo's cloud service for schema versioning, metrics, and enhanced security.

Apollo Client (iOS)

Manage the entirety of your iOS app's state and seamlessly execute GraphQL operations.

Apollo Link

Define a custom chain of actions that your client performs with each GraphQL operation.

New to Apollo or GraphQL?

It's easy to adopt Apollo incrementally, meaning you can set it up alongside an existing solution (such as a REST API) and migrate functionality at your convenience.

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